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I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream –   Bonnaroo Buzz Ice Cream to be exact.


The Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival had the enviable opportunity to join less than a handful of other iconic brands such as The Grateful Dead (Cherry Garcia), Phish (Phish Food), Dave Matthews Band (Magic Brownies), and Jimmy Fallon (Tonight Dough) to concoct our very own ice cream flavor. We fit a whole music festival into a pint by capturing the festival’s sounds, sights and tastes into one delicious flavor.


Alex Machurov worked directly with the Ben & Jerry’s team to conceive the full partnership. Together we chose (and tasted) the flavors, developed the marketing campaign, produced promotional events and concerts, and coordinated the strategic partnership.


Initially kicking off exclusively in B&J scoop shops Bonnaroo Buzz eventually rolled out into pints sold nationwide with proceeds supporting various charitable causes.

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